Wednesday, February 4, 2015

READ ONLINE - 24 New eBooks in the Library!

Thanks to a grant to the district from EEA/NEA Foundation, there are now 24 new ebooks in the library.  You can read them online or check them out to be able to use more features like highlighting, notetaking, and bookmarking.  Look for Diary of a Wimpy Kid books as well as several Best Book nominees.

  • Go to Westgate Library catalog through library blog
  • Click on FollettShelf to the left
  • Choose an ebook to read. 
  • Log in using your district user name and password to access and check out ebooks
You can read it online, but to bookmark your place or use other features you need to check it out.  If you need it past the due date you will have to check it out again and there are limited copies for all the elementary schools in the district to share.
The library also has 150 ebooks through MackinVia.  To access those ebooks, go to the library blog and click on MackinVia ebooks to the right.  To access them at home you will have to log in using your district user name and password.

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